BCP 5050 Split Deposit Bond 4

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These innovative bonds offer investors a two tier investment package. 50% is placed in a 12 month high yield deposit account which assures investors of a 6% gross gain (6% AER). 50% is invested in a 4 year 3 month Capital Secure Global Equity Bond, with 2 versions to choose from.

12 Month High Yield Deposit Account

50% of the BCP 50/50 Split Deposit Bond 4 is placed in a 12 month deposit account which assures investors of 100% capital security provided by Bank of Ireland, and assures investors of a 6% gross gain (6% AER) on the deposit element.

At the end of 12 months, on 30th March 2013, 50% of the investment amount along with deposit interest of 6% gross (6% AER) will be paid out to investors. Where applicable, interest will be paid after deduction of Deposit Interest Retention Tax (DIRT) currently 30%.