BCP Sppit Deposit Growth Bond
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This innovative bond offers investors a two tier investment package. 33% is placed in a 12 month high yield deposit account which assures investors of a 6% gross gain (6% AER). 67% is invested in a 4 year Capital Secure Growth Bond, with 2 versions to choose from.

For investors who want higher capital security, the 100 Growth Bond will return 100% of the average growth from the same basket of shares capped at 40%, the return being equivalent to 10% gross per annum (CAR 8.8%) over the 4 year investment Term.

The 200 Growth Bond will pay investors 200% of the average growth achieved by the equity basket of 25 shares, the return being capped at 70%, equivalent to 17.5% gross per annum (CAR 14.2%) over the 4 year investment Term.
