The Income Bond is an innovative new Investment Solution offering investors an elevated level of fixed investment income and investors seeking a risk reducing mechanism to provide a degree of protection from normal stock market riskThe Underlying Investment of the Bond is a Note issued by BBVA Global Markets B.V. in the shares of 4 large companies in the Eurostoxx 50 Index.
Investors will receive back their initial capital invested in the Bond so long as none of the 4 shares have fallen by 40% or more on the Redemption Valuation Date. In the event that any of the 4 shares have fallen by 40% or more on the Redemption Valuation Date, investors will receive the performance of the worst performing share, no matter how much it has fallen. Soft Capital Protection is provided by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. The term of the bond is 5 years.