Some people believe that for the best kind of career and business luck, they should invest in Feng shui jewellery and wear the golden dragon on their body to generate the cosmic chi that brings great good fortune.
Financial advisers, not usually expert at Feng shui, believe that wealth enhancement is simple strategies which will assist individuals and businesses plan their finances and provide for their future.
Investing is best done as part of a complete personal financial plan. Such a plan addresses not only the accumulation of money but also the protection of income and assets. Although individual decisions vary widely, questions about life insurance, disability insurance, emergency cash reserves, etc., should be addressed, as well as questions about planned expenditures and retirement goals.
Most people pay the electric, gas, credit card and mortgage and other bills, use what’s left for on-going expenses until the end of the month and if anything is left, they think about investing. Think of your future as another bill to be paid. Pay it up front – not last. Making the “bill” for your future a priority is the way to improve your future financial picture dramatically.
The strategy “invest regularly” is often called “euro cost averaging”. It simply means that you invest a specified amount of money on a regular basis. With this strategy you sometimes will buy high and sometimes buy low, but the theory is that – on average – you will buy at the right price. This strategy avoids the risk of trying to time the market and losing.
Diversification – not having all your eggs in one basket, reduces risk and helps to ensure long term growth.
Time is one of the most powerful investment tools available and benefits you in two ways. One way is the power of compounding interest, dividends, and gains over time. The second is it allows you to choose a portfolio more heavily weighted in stocks. Shares, while riskier in the short term, have historically outperformed bonds and cash in the long term.