As a self-employed individual you lead a busy life and may not have had the time to start planning for your retirement. However, more than most, you know that if you don’t take on the responsibility of planning for your future, it’s unlikely anyone else will. To enjoy financial security when you retire, it’s important to put money aside during your working years.
At Adelphi Financial Brokers, we provide specialist expert advice for the self-employed & business owners on how best to structure your retirement plans. Our clients come from all walks of life – from PAYE employees in the public and private sector to the self-employed and company directors.
We will make sure that you:
- Avail of all relevant pension tax reliefs
- Get the maximum tax free lump sum from your pension on retirement
- Understand what income you can expect from your pension plan when you retire
- Understand the pension fund options available to you
- Make the right decisions for you, your business and your family
Talk to us today… call us on 051-318000 or email